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wearing her own weaves is but a dream..

19 Aug

:image credits:

there is the saree, and then the half saree

8 Sep

image credits :

not familiar with the half saree ? the woman in the centre wears it.  half saree/sari is  mostly worn by girls once they reached 14-15 years.  and most common in the southern part of the country..

The half saree , a atraditional way of dressing , always preluded the saree,  is almost on its ways to extinction. the salwar kurta  takes its place  and is considered more forward looking, even in the rural areas, where the tatters of traditional garments still had its last looks until recently

of topis … and more topis.

19 Jun

: image credits :  generally known as gandhi topi.

:image credits:  from Nepal

:image credits:  from himachal pradesh.

:image credits: The color of the cap indicates more than color ! Writes Sun!l Parashar in his notes on flickr

:image credits: Popularly  worn by people of Sindh in Pakistan

more topis:

Originally from Iran, who are known as parsis   have been living in india for centuries now  wears this topi.

From Nagaland:

From Tibet:

..commonly worn by the menfolk in the southern part of the country.

12 Jun

image credits

replicating the chessboard on a sari:pasapalli

5 Jun

image credits

india lives in its villages

13 May

image credits retlaw snellac

toy artisans of yesterday, giving life today.

22 Aug

toysandchannapatnaimage credits : deepsan. check  flickr for moretoys1image credits  manzu

Famously called the Channapatna toys.

From the yarn to the walls she keeps the beauty flowing

2 Feb


image credits : The last wanderers

chaklas, the rabari womans forte

24 Dec



Do the colors and  patterns compensate for the dreary, arid surroundings as they pass through their nomadic way of living ?

Each pattern is a story. They are the songs and tears of life .

( these images are from a book — i saved the images  and returned the book to the library noting down the author and the book on my paper where i make notes, now only to be missing ) if anybody recognizes the work of the photographers i will credit them.)

women wear *settu mundu

18 Jul

image credits: augustine parani

* settu mundu traditionally worn by hindu women from kerala.