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wearing her own weaves is but a dream..

19 Aug

:image credits:

there is the saree, and then the half saree

8 Sep

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not familiar with the half saree ? the woman in the centre wears it.  half saree/sari is  mostly worn by girls once they reached 14-15 years.  and most common in the southern part of the country..

The half saree , a atraditional way of dressing , always preluded the saree,  is almost on its ways to extinction. the salwar kurta  takes its place  and is considered more forward looking, even in the rural areas, where the tatters of traditional garments still had its last looks until recently

..commonly worn by the menfolk in the southern part of the country.

12 Jun

image credits


19 Dec


learning to dance kuchipudi jati.

image credits and notes.

..bathukamma celebrations in andhra

6 Oct

image credits:Telangana Utsav Committee